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Image by Rachel Horton-Kitchlew

Services & Pricing Plans

What I offer...

1:1 Nutrition Consult
1:1 Nutrition Consultations

More than just nutrition advice—together we create an individualized plan for you that takes into account your lifestyle and dietary needs. Nutrition consultations can target specific health concerns such as polycystic ovarian syndrome, aging, inflammation, diabetes, or general nutritional support. 

Initial Intake (90 mins) | $285

This first step focuses on building rapport, understanding your story, nutritional assessments, evaluating lab work, and collaborating on a nutrition and wellbeing plan based on your goals and desires.

Follow-Up (50 mins) | $170

Follow-up sessions is where the magic happens. These sessions are geared towards plan adjustments, workshopping the hurdles, food relationship exploration, and celebrating the successes. 

1:1 Food Relationship Coaching
1:1 Food Relationship Coaching

Food is more than just sustenance- it's a story full of meaning, culture, memories, spirituality, emotion, and so much more! Food Relationship Coaching can help you explore new perspectives and build healthier relationships with food and yourself. Liberate your mind from the "good or bad" narrative of food. Rekindle the sacredness of nourishment. 


This 1:1 coaching service is an approach safely centered around exploring and understanding your relationship to food. Reclaim your food narrative and bolster confidence in your abilities to build food sovereignty, love, and compassion towards yourself. 


Initial Intake(90mins): $120
Follow-Up (50 mins): $80
Image by Jon Tyson
1:1 Wellness Coaching
1:1 Health & Wellness Coaching

Already know what you need to do yet finding yourself just not doing it? Start something and find it falls to the wayside a few weeks later? Coaching might be the right fit for you. 


I personally understand that the journey to health and wellness can be extremely difficult, and that is why I strive to offer the support and guidance needed to reach one's goals. Health and wellness coaching is a collaborative tool that can help you work around hurdles that may be getting in your way. 


Together, we focus on the changes you want to make and create several individualized approaches to developing sustainable health habits. Schedule for an initial intake and see the benefits coaching can offer you. Schedule follow ups and check-ins as you see fit. 

Initial Intake(90mins): $120
Follow-Up (50 mins): $80

This is an opportunity for you to get to meet me and ask questions about my services before committing to anything financially.

*I do not give out nutrition advice or recommendations.
Anything you share is strictly confidential. 

Pricing Plans

Payment Plans and Sliding Scale available. Reach out for questions and assistance. 
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